9.1 The objects of the Association shall be –
9.1.1 To provide a platform for the promotion and development of renewable energy technologies in Zimbabwe.
9.1.2 Establish working relationships with similar national and international organizations for the purposes of enhancing the objectives of the Association.
9.1.3 Facilitate information dissemination for the benefit of the public and the membership.
9.1.4 Formulate proposals for improvements in the renewable energy sector and make recommendations to the responsible authorities.
9.1.5 Participate in resource mobilization on behalf of stakeholders of renewable energy projects.
9.1.6 Promote technology transfer.
9.1.7 Promote sound business practices and standardization of products within the sector.
9.1.8 Promote the local manufacture of renewable energy products and enterprise development.
9.1.9 Generally to do all such acts as may be expedient or necessary for the furtherance of the interests of the association and the objects for which it was formed.
9.2 The Association shall have the following plenary powers-
9.2.1 To organize and hold functions for the purpose of raising funds to enable the Association to carry out its objects;
9.2.2 To acquire immovable and movable properties and to dispose of such property;
9.2.3 To borrow money on such terms as the Association may deem fit to enable it to carry out its objects, provided that the Association shall not borrow any amount in excess of its budget in the preceding year unless authorized at an Annual General Meeting or Extra Ordinary General Meeting convened for such purpose;
9.2.4 To open accounts with a bank, building society or other financial institution and to invest funds of the Association in securities nominated by the secretariat in consultation with the Committee;
9.2.5 To institute, conduct, defend or compromise legal proceedings instituted by or against the Association or its elected members.
9.2.6 Generally to do all such acts as may be expedient or necessary to further the interests of the Association and the objects for which it was formed.