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12.1.1 A non-refundable Application Fee shall be paid by the applicant on submission of completed application forms.
12.1.2 All members of the Association with the exception of Honorary Members shall be responsible to pay application fees and annual subscriptions.
12.1.3 Annual subscription shall be paid once membership has been approved.
12.1.4 Application fees and annual subscriptions shall be defined in the By-Laws and be subject to review as the Committee may determine from time to time.
12.1.5 The annual subscription shall become due and payable on or by the last working day of January of every respective year.
12.1.6 New members shall be liable for the appropriate pro-rata annual subscription for that year as defined in the By-Laws.
12.1.7 Members whose annual subscription is in arrears accrue a penalty immediately upon default and also lose their voting rights and eligibility to stand for office.
12.1.8 A member whose subscription is not paid by 31st January of the respective year shall not be entitled to any membership rights and privileges after the expiration of this period.
12.1.9 Membership of any member shall cease if they continue to be in arrears be
yond the 30th of June of the respective year.
12.2 Membership Certificate
12.2.1 Every Member shall be issued with a membership certificate annually indicating the appropriate membership category and signed by the Chairperson and either the Executive Secretary or the relevant Branch Secretary.
12.2.2 The membership certificate is valid only when supported with proof of payment and official REAZ security features for that current subscription year.
12.3 Rights and Obligations of Members
12.3.1 All members shall exercise such rights and bear such duties as prescribed by this constitution, and these include the right to: Participate in the functions of the Association as per their membership categories defined in Paragraph 11. Have access to facilities and services under agreed arrangement with the Association.
12.3.2 All members shall have the following obligations: Respect the Association and abide by its Constitution and By-Laws. Pay the prescribed fees, subscription or any other dues. At all times conduct themselves in a manner befitting the Aims, Objectives and Functions of the Association. Desist from using the Association's facilities or influence contrary to the objectives of the Association. Participate in the functions of the Association such as General Meetings.
12.3.3 All members shall be bound by good corporate governance, sound
Business ethics and by the REAZ Code of Conduct.
12.4 Awards
Awards in the form of Certificates and Citations for notable service and achievements, in the field of Renewable Energy, as determined by an Awards Committee appointed by the Committee, may be made to deserving members on an annual basis.
Associated Members