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11.1 Corporate
11.1.1 Corporate Members shall be any legally recognized company or organization with a registered office in Zimbabwe. The Chief Executive Officer of the Corporate Member or his/her nominee shall represent the organisation. A Corporate Member of the Association shall be entitled to exercise one vote and shall be eligible for election as an Office Bearer of the Association. Benefits of the Corporate membership sub-categories shall be as approved at the Annual General Meeting and shall consist of Silver, Gold and Platinum.
11.2 Associate member
11.2.1 Associate Members shall be any person, citizen or organization resident or registered in Zimbabwe interested in renewable energy. An Associate Member of the Association shall be entitled to exercise one vote and shall be eligible for election as an Office Bearer of the Association.
11.3 Professional
11.3.1 Professional Members shall include Lawyers; Accountants; Engineers, Scientists, Economists, Sociologists, Environmentalists, Consultants, Academics and other professions. A Professional Member of the Association shall be entitled to exercise one vote and shall be eligible for election as an Office Bearer of the Association. Professional membership sub-categories shall be as approved by the Committee.
11.4 Individual
11.4.1 Individual Members shall include Renewable Energy business operators and advocates other than Professional, Honorary, International and Student Members. An Individual Member of the Association shall be entitled to exercise one vote and shall be eligible for election as an Office Bearer of the Association. Individual membership sub-categories shall be as approved by the Annual and Extra-ordinary Meetings.
11.5 Honorary
11.5.1 Honorary Members shall be any person whom the Association wishes to honour by reason of exceptional service rendered to the Renewable Energy Industry. A proposal to award Honorary Membership shall be made by individual members to the Committee. The Committee shall recommend the proposal to the Extra Ordinary Meeting for approval. Honorary Members of the Association shall not be entitled to exercise any vote and shall not be eligible for election as an Office Bearer of the Association.
11.6 International
11.6.1 International Members shall be any person or organisation not normally residing in Zimbabwe. An International Member of the Association shall be entitled to exercise one vote but shall not be eligible for election as an Office Bearer of the Association.
11.7 Student
11.7.1 Student Members shall be any person who is undergoing formal education or training at a recognized institution. A Student Member shall neither have any right to vote nor be eligible for election as an Office Bearer of the Association.
11.8 Change of membership status
11.8.1 If a member desires to change their status at any time, they shall do so by way of reapplication for the appropriate status that they wish to have. They shall be required to fulfill in full all conditions antecedent in accordance with the requirements for the preferred status. Change of membership status automatically cancels the old status.
11.9 Application for Membership
11.9.1 A prospective member or member applying for change of status in terms of clause 11.8.1 above, shall submit an application form, whereby the applicant agrees to abide by the Constitution and Code of Conduct of the Association. Membership shall become effective on payment of the appropriate prescribed membership fees and after approval by the Secretary or relevant Branch Secretary of the Secretariat.
Associated Members